Friday, February 27, 2009

Dont ask...

Owen~ Owen~ Owen~...

How I thought you were good and innocent.. but i guess it was all a lie..
You hurt me; but now, I'm going to get stronger and beat you down..


My beloved,
You have done good to stand up for what you know is right;
But to addicted to football shoes to see who is that person behind you that is hurt...
Although it was my fault to ask you, it was my curiosity that hurt my own feelings, which was a stupid thing...

Nicole~ =3

My loyal and faithful friend..
I can never find anyone who is as good as you.
You are always there for me when I needed you,
You're always there when I'm sad or have any problems, you always listen to my problem's and help me or comfort me.
It's always best when were having fun and joking until we laugh a lot..

Why does this world have so many bad people but so few good people...? Why..

It sucks being sad or having your feelings hurt..


Just expressing my feelings... Sorry if i offended you in a way..

Friday, February 20, 2009


This is a pic of me... and bro xD at a jamuan in Las Vegas

Sorry for the bad photo... blame my printer >.>;;

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The continue-ation of tagged by Nicole xD

1. Do you eat alot of fast food?
Only once in awhile xD

2. Have you kissed anyone in 2008?
NO~! =__=

3. Were you happy when you woke up today?
No, i had to go to sunday school ;-;

4. What did you last get upset about?
My mom was 30 MINUTES LATE!!!! to pick me up from sunday school >.>;;

5. Do you eat candy on a daily basis?
Not really...

6. What about in your 5th sent message?
Ummm..... it was to shandrika; i said -nods- xDD

7. Who was the last person you ate with?
Mom and brother =P

8. Who was the last person you took a picture of?

9. When ordering sushi, what do you get?
Fatty Tuna and Unagi =3

10. Who was the last person you sat next to?
Brother.. for lunch xD

11. What were you doing at 10 am?
Getting ready to go to sunday school DX

12. Have you changed alot since summer?
We have summer? o.O but.. yeah, i guessed i changed abit xD

13. What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
Water o.o

14. Where is the place you want to be right now?
My bed... sleeeeeping x33

15. When was the last time you cried?
When i fought with -ahem-

16. What's your favourite song at the moment?
Van Der Karsten - Beat the drums ( Backlash Vs. Mikkas Remix)

17. What were you doing at 11 last night?
Talking with Aaron x3

18. Who's near you?
-looks to the left- .... my mom .__.

19. What were you doing at 5 am in the morning?
Sleeping XQ

20.What's bothering you right now?
Nothing xP

21. Who was the last person to talk to you on the phone?
Chee xDD

22. Whose house did you go to last?
Jolynn's. xD

23. Who honestly knows everything about you?
Nicole 8D

24. Who broken your heart?
i dunno xD

25. Honestly, do you love someone very much?

26. Who was the last person to tell you that they love you?
Dionne =__= i dont know why she told me that...

27. Are you friends with the last person you kissed?
I still have my first kiss xD

28. Are there any parts of your body that hurts?

29. In the supermarket, the first thing that gets your attention is?

30. How cool do you think you are?
I dont know xD

31 . Drugs are ?
For losers

32. Which one do you hate the most?
Mmm, that's a secret. ^-~

33. Who was the first person to text you today?
My mom once again... to ask her to pick me up... >.>;;

34. What was the first thing you did this morning?
Woke up... and then sleep back xDD

35. Who was your last missed call on your cellphone?
Chee LOL~!

36. What's the last mistake you made?
Getting sick a few days ago DDX

37. What are you listening to right now?
Same song i told ya before...

38. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you had a conversation with?

39. Who was the last person to call you?
Chee xDD

40. Is there anything you want to say to someone special?



Tagged from Nicole xD

1)How many texts are in your inbox?
Lemme see - checking- uhhh... wait ... wait... it's 317 messages .__. i have alot of messages from people xDD

2)When did your last hug take place?
Friday xD

3)Are you a jealous person?
Not really... but im jealous of donovan aka don >.> shuffle... and also people who wear bass agents, hsk, ehs, tms, and other shuffle jackets.. T~T

4)Are you tired right now?
Nope =3

5)Do you chew on your straws?
Yes, but only after i finish drinking my drink xD;;

6)Have you ever been called a tease?
Nope =3

7)Do you like to cuddle?
Yes, i have a soft blanket x33

8)Do you cry easily?
No, i only cry when something hurts me =P

9)Are you a heavy sleeper?
I love to sleep xQ , but when im sleeping, i can be easily waken up.... sometimes xDD

10)Where is your cellphone?
Beside me, on my table 8D

11)Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?
Hmm? I dunno xD

12)Are you mad at someone right now?
Yeah... abit... my mom =___=;;

13)Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yeah, but never seen it before xD

14)What makes you laugh out loud?
Nicole 8DD

15)Who was the last person you talked to?
Aaron =3

16)Name one person on your top friends who is most like you.
Nicole~!!!! xDD

17)Do you get butterflies when around the person you like?
No o.o...

18)Will you get married?
=___= i dont know... im too young xD

19)When was the last time you smiled?
Now xD

20)Does anyone, like you?
Yes, there is. xD

21)Do you secretly like someone?
Huh? .__. i do not understand xD;;

22)Who was the first person you talked to today?
My mother =P

23)Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
Nicole =3

24)What are you NOT looking forward to?
Homework x-X

25)Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it?
-nods- xD

26)Suppose you see your ex kissing another person what would you do?
PG 13 man~!! xDD

27) What would you do if your best male friend propose to you ?
Me: o.o -faints- XDD

28)What's something you really want right now?
Bass Agents shuffle hoodie DDX

29)Do you fall for people easily?
No =_=

30)Have you ever fallen for your best friend ex's ?
My best friends ex is my friend ( also pet brother )xD

31)What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
Soup and Kwan Loh Mee =3

32)Have you ever kissed anyone named Michelle?
W....T...F... i aint lesbian man =_____=;;;

33)Who was the last person you drove with?

35)If you could move somewhere else, would you?
I dont like to move somewhere else.. D:

36)Do you prefer to call or text?
Text xD

37)When was the last time you cried really, really hard?
When i fought with -ahem-

38)Who took your last picture?
Cousins xD

39)Who was the last person you took a picture of?
Cousins yet again xDD

40)Can you live a day without TV?
That's easy xD and i dont watch tv much...

Friday, February 13, 2009

My trip

Sorry about the VERY VERY Long Delay about this story, i always 4get to update xD;;; my bad.. we anyway im finishing the story today... I hope you like it xD..

FINALLY I GOT BACK HOME FROM MY BBBIIIIIIGGGG TRIP. Let meh tell you the story. Goin to the airport (to go to Japan but transit only) on the 1st day of vacation was chaotic. I was the only one ready so I had to help around alot.. >.>;;;

I had to help my mom and dad pack, eat, talk to my grandma while eating..but it was fun though xD , then help my dad, mom and bro check for stuff..., Remind my mom about her things that she needs and bla bla bla...

I tell you mom's bag weights a ton.. and we had to carry it from upstairs to downstairs X.X . After checking everything, we went into the cab and went to the airport, and again me and my bro had to carry the bags of doom..sigh...

We checked in and went onto the plane. The flight was like about 8 hours and our flight was at 11 something i guess. Everyone in my family sat business class. Me and my bro was sitting together as usual and always the 1st thing when we go to the plane is the food menu. They let you order snacks in the plane before they serve you the main course.

Me and my bro was like eating dam alot of ramen, udon and soba...We were like eating munch munch munch.. slurp slurp slurp.. while we were watching movie cause we were dam bored. Then we eat the main course which is the japanese course i consists of Teriyaki marinated fish, rice, miso soup, dessert, friuts and a drink. The fish was nice...

After that i still wasnt sleepy, so i just looked out the window. And outside was so beautiful, there was so many stars out there... Slowly i began to close my eyes then slept for like an hour then the plan touch down at japan at about 9am. We checked in into the transit hotel i 4got the name edi.. put our bags there slept for like half an hour then went for breakfast. I was like a zombie when i went down for breakfast cause lack of sleep. I was like ugh... X___X .The breakfast there was nice though..hehehe miso soup hehehe...

Then i went to sleep. THANK GOD!!!! Then woke up and went to eat lunch. I ate curry and rice. The curry wasnt hot at all it's not like out type of curry..But it tastes quiet nice.. Then me and my dad saw there was an ice-cream machine there, so my dad wanted to eat ice-cream, he took the cone and just paused there.. thinking how to get the ice-cream.

Then i helped him and teached him how to do it.. It was easy for me cause i've been looking at how people do it in Mc'Donalds or when i go to Kumon last time with my cousins. Me, my dad and my bro was eating the ice-cream while sitting down at the table and was savouring the moment =P

After eating our ice-cream, my bro took a plastic knife and started to act like a retarded zombie and was trying to kill me... WITH A PLASTIC KNIFE!!! And i was like =___=;;; ... Then we bought some stuff then went upstairs to get ready to go to the airport to fly to Vegas.

When i reached at the airport, and was walking out from the plane into the airport, i can already see slots machines on my right xDD then when i walk down somemore I saw that you can buy Ipod or Ipod phone accesory in like those vending machine type of thing.

Vegas was beautifull. They have great food and good shows and good hotel. But the bad thing is about vegas is that IS DAM CROWDED!!! The hotel i stayed in was the MGM GRAND. It was quite cold there. I heard that a few days before i came to Vegas , Las Vegas was cover with 6 inches of snow..

Well moving on.., i watched a show called ''KA'' it was really nice =3 after that, I went up to the room ate some food and went straight to bed. I was sooo tired x__x . Then the next day, i went out to eat at another hotel with my dad and his friend and family.

Then at night time we all ( my dad's friends son's, friends, and one of his girlfriend, my bro, me, my mom , thier mom, and aunt) went to EXCALIBUR to have some fun at the arcade. It's more like a fun fair actually =P. It was fun trying to win the games. But sadly i couldnt win cause i had a stomach ache when i was there. DDDX

Oh yeah!!!! I wen to this magic show staring David Copperfield and it was dam nice!!! There was so many tricks that he did was so unbelieveable!!! The most funniest time is when he put a fake duck into a bucket that a voulenteer was holding then he maked a real duck come out but in dam slow motion!!! Dam funny you can cry while laughin =P

The time passed so fast until when it finished...i cried DX ... Days had passed and it soon came when i have to fly off too LA. But it's a good thing that the hotel let us leave our big baggage in the hotel room. Worst thing is that is my brother snores and he put's the tempreature to dam cold until i was freezing...

Boarding the plane for LA was a mess, everyone was here and there all kelam kabut >.>;;; the line for economy class was like 1.5 meters i think... then the seats also dam small x__x have to seat in the plane for one hour.

LA is a very nice place =3 and i stayed in The Beverly Hills Hotel. The hotel was nice but the only thing is that they only have 1 restaurant >.>;; . After eating lunch me and my bro went up to the room and we watched ''The love guru''. It was dam funny. Slept, then woke up early to go on a tour.

The tour is to take us around and show us where the actors and actresses was staying. I found out that snoop dog, the guy from james bond ( the one staring with hallie berry) and some other guy are all neighbours. It's amazing. Oh yeah there is also a house called the ''wicthes house'' which can never been broken down when it was built..

After going through some of these places we went to the walk of fame and I looked at the stars on the floor and also went to shop for some suverniors... I was bully-ing the tour guide too xDD hehehe... after a long day of doing things, i slept for a few hours to gain my eneryback.

Then bathe then go out to dinner. The odd thing is I didnt know that I had cousins in LA so i met them, and it turns out that i have a niece. Her name is chloe =3 she's turnning 4 this year..., we bond quite fast xDD ..

When i was walking to the restaurant to have dinner with my relatives, I saw an anime shop... AND THEY HAD GAARA, KAKASHI AND ICHIGO Plushies!!!! x33 I went into the shop and my cousin bought all 3 of it for me as a Christmas present. It was the best present ever!!!! Then we went to the restaurant ate chinese food. And i ate a dish called Peking Duck <--from Freaky Friday. Then got fight for the bill cause my cousin wanna pay the bill.

Cousin: -gives credit card to the waiter-
Dad: No no no no~!!! Dont worry, i'll pay
Cousin: No no no, it's okay =3
Waiter: o.o -walks to the cash register- .....>.>
Dad: Alex (my bro) go ask that waiter to give back the credit card and use mine.
Alex: ........>.>
Me: o.o .... oh-kay....
Waiter: Im sorry sir, but we already swiped the card ^_^;;;
Dad: -sigh-

Then everything went back to normal. Then we went back to the hotel xD and sleep and maybe watch some tv.

Then the next morning my cousins and her family and my family drove down to Ainehem to go to Disneyland!!! To watch the fireworks but sadly they cancled it DX.. but my niece and I was having lots of fun eating cotton candy xDD .. Then my cousin dropped us off at the hotel and drove back home to LA. It only takes them like 30 minutes or more to reach from LA to Ainehem.

Then the next day, me, alex, my cousin's husband and my dad went to Universal Studios!! 8DD The rides there are ok ok only.. =P We walked around alot and looked at alot of things xDD i also saw Marlynn Monroe *ahem* fake one *ahem* there taking pictures with some fans when i bought a mnm fillled candy apple xQ it was my 1st time eating it. I went up to my mom and said

Mom.. Marlynn Monroe is there =3 -while eating candy apple-
Mom: Where?!??!!? 8DD
Me: But it's the fake one =3 -eating candy apple-
Mom: =___=;;;
Me: >.>;;; It was so nice and sweet =3 ... the candy apple i mean.

It was going back time and then i saw a section that has the simpsons. So at last minute I bought.. -trumpets playing- A TALKING HOMER DOLL!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!! You can only get this in the US. I was very happy x33 . But the bad thing is that when i was rushing back to go home my dad went to look for me, so i called his handphone and my bro saw him and walked him back xDD.

It was a tiring day... we went back to the hotel that my dad booked in Ainehem and slept and of course after we went to eat somewhere i forgot.. Then the next day we went to Dsineyland again. We went on a bus to Disneyland and everyone was sweating at the back cause the bus driver put on the heater at the back, but lucky-ly i was sitting in front there. xDD

Me and my bro only went on 2 rides, which is space moutain and buzz lightyear space adventure. The line was dam long. We had to wait for 70 minutes to go on space mountain and the rides is like 2 minutes only...sigh...same as buzz lightyear space adventure but this one took us 40 minutes. Then we went back to the hotel =__=;;; another busy day..

The next day we flew back to Vegas.... again.... dam tiring. But still my cousin and her family and my niece ( my cousin's daughter) came down to Vegas... one day after us =3 . When they got down, they put their things in the room and we went for lunch together at a chinese restaurant in Belagio. Then we saw the water show... i dont know the correct words to say it so i just spelled this...

After lunch, we all went to the ''Miracle Mile'' shopping center which is not far away from us. I followed my cousin an my niece to look for her toys xDD while my bro and dad went to look for some travelling bags. We went walking for half an hour for it was already 4pm and we had to meet each other again at 4.30pm. So we just kept on walking and maybe be stopping at some places that cought my niece's attention xD .

It was already 4.30pm so we had to hurry back. But in the end we coulnt find any toy store DX . On the way walking back we accidentelly bumped into my bro and dad who was walking back also xDD . I was wondering where was my mom cause i didnt see her. Apparently she was already there at the hotel waiting for us... who knew.. we went back then rested and went for dinner then went back to...SSSSSLLLLEEEEEEPPP x33

The next morning; me, my dad, my bro and my mom went to the Grand Canyon trip. We decided to take a helicopter tour because it saves time xDD . The scenery from the helicopter was very nice. In the tour there is also a break time for us to have a picnic at the grand canyon.

So we landed at a spot and ate some snacks an drank some drinks. While eating, me and my bro spotted some squirrels an birds. So we feed them with some pieces of our cupcakes =P . The squirrels were so cute and small ( chibi-like ) xDD , and then i would go back to work (taking photo's of my mom). Then my dad went walking around but not too far, and he said that he spotted a rattle snake but im not sure if it's true or not. Oh well...

After eating, we got back onto the helicopter. Then we started to go back, but we made a small trip to a gas station, specially for helicopters only. But it's a DIY thing, so the pilot filled up the tank and we went off again. I cant tell you how was it going back cause i slept in the helicopter >.>;;; dont blame me man... I woke up at 6 am that time

Then went back to the hotel and.... SSSSSSLLLLLLEEEEEEPPPPP!!!!! Then got up again cause i had to attend the New Years party at the hotel. Went to bath change everything and brought the camera =___= then went to the party with my cousin and her family... and my niece ^ ^ . It was quite a long walk there, my niece got tired walking so i carried her there. But when it was a quater way more i give up edi... xDD i put my niece down then we walked together.

We went in, took our seats and just look around and do some stuff. But sadly my cousin and her family and my niece was sitting at a diffrent table.... me and my bro got bored so we started to look at the menu xDD we also hungry mah... After awhile there were some performances going on, then we started to eat. Then my niece came by and started to talk to me for awhile then she and her dad went out to the dance floor and started dancing xDDD .

A few hours passed by and we ate all our food. The food was delicious but i didnt like my dessert xP tasted funny.. but i stole some of my dad's candy that he got from his desert =3 . After that I went over to my cousin's table, sit and chat with her and my niece and her husband.

Then me and my bro went outside cause we wanna go back to the room cause we got nothing more to do. Then my dad was outside and then he took us to the stage where we got out picture taken... I look awsome sitting on that chair.. stupid bro standing behind me with his fingers near mah face....

After the picture, we went up the escellator to go to the ground floor. Then i saw my niece playing over there. So i just joined in and started to play with the end i followed her to the room and played with her until like 11pm . Then i went back to the room did some stuff cause my mom's key cannot work... bla bla bla then went to SSSSLLLLEEEEEPPPP again x33 .

The next morning i woke up early again cause i had to leave for San Francisco. After getting ready all of our things, my niece and my cousin and her family came to say goodbye to us before we leave for San Francisco. We ate breakfast, did eveything then went downstairs to check out. We said our goodbye's then left for the airport.

We checked in our bag's , and walked to the gate. Did you know when we went to Japan the 1st time we got 4 hand carry bags and 4 check in bag per person. Then now we got 4 hand carry bags and we bought 2 more check in bags = 4 hand carry bags and 6 check in bags...haih... my mom and dad got so many things.. tisk tisk.. Well moving on.

We were 1 hour ealry so we decided to have a snack before going to the gate. We ate then waited and waited until the time came. Then we walked there and waited until we can board the plane. Suddenly they announced that the plane will be delayed for one hour due to traffic outside. Got traffic jam edi >.>;; sigh... me and my dad at 1 orange just to fill our stomachs and pass time.

After 1 hour of waiting, we finnally got to board the plane. We got onto the plane and started to go off.. I slept during the whole flight xP . When i woke up, i was already at san francisco. I got my stuff and left the plane. Then we took our stuff and drove to our hotel which was the St.Regis hotel. When we got there, we again accidentally bumper into our old nieghbours who was there also for vacation. We (my dad and my nieghour) talked for awhile then they invited us for dinner.

So we accpeted and quickly went up, bath, changed and went fro dinner with them. We walked there xDD . It was very chilly . When reached at the restaurant, we went up to the room that my niegbours cousin that had booked for all of us to eat in. The food there was delicious, especially the crab, the soup and the fresh prawns.

After eating we went back to the hotel and sleep. The hotel is very nice espicially the bed and the shower =P .They next day; we all took a private tour for about 5 hours around San Fancisco. We went to the fisherman's warf where they have the BEST seafood there, some of the stars houses and alot of other interesting places.

After the tour, we went back to the hotel relaxed abit and then bath, changed and went for dinner downstairs, in the hotel. The bread there was nice. It's chrunchy at the outside but soft in the inside. That is a very high quality bread =3 . The food there was nice ^ ^ . But i cant telll you what i ate because i forgot what i ate =P .

After dinner, we went upstairs to the room, watched some tv then went to bed. The next morning, we all went to church because it was sunday. The church there was very beautifull. But I forgot to tell my 3 whishes. Oh well.... After chruch, we went to eat at a shopping complex. Me and my dad shared a soup, half a chicken with mash potatoes and spaghetti. I finished the soup xDD but we werent able to finish all the chiken and the spaghetti. My bro didnt eat anything. My mom ate a sandwhich with some chips. Then i bought cookies xDD .

After eating lunch, my mom went to do her shopping, my bro went to shop for iPod's, and me and my dad was just loafing around the shopping complex. Apparently I didnt know what '' Pants suit'' means, but I do now xDD . Thanks dad. Then after that i saw a bookshop that sells manga books. So I quickly told my dad and i went to look for books as fast as possible. I ended up buying 5 books xDD .

Then after that my dad and i started to walk around the places looking for stuff... but it seems that there's nothing there but women's stuff xDDD . Go wrong one edi... it was getting late, so we decided to walk back to the hotel. Then my dad saw there was a sale going on. So my dad asked my to buy somethings there. Turns out; i bought a cap, 1 pants, and a jacket. After buying those things we started to walked back again until...

I saw my bro walking. At that time me and my dad was hunting for a coffee shop to sit down and have a cup of tea or coffee. My bro tagged along with us. Went to starbucks 1st, then Coffee bean then one lame coffee shop yuck... never ever go there again. After tea, my bro went to shop for his Ipod while my dad and I returned to the hotel at last.

I put my things beside the bed and went to take a shower. After that my bro and my mom came back. While my bro was taking a shower, I was watching a movie on the bed it was ''The American Chiwawas'' xDD cannot spell correctly. Then we were going out to have dinner, then we bumped into our neighbours again, and we all wanted to go to the same restaurant again. >.>;;;

Me and my bro was eating dam alot again, we were like -drinking soup - eating crab- -eating prawns- -eating chicken- . Then my neihgbours had to leave early cause they had to catch thier flight to Hong Kong . After they left, my head was feeling hot. Turns out that maybe i have a slight fever, but i also was getting a sore throat. So my mom quickly went to the pharmacy or as the american's call it ''drug store'' . We bought the things then returned to the hotel.

Another fustrating night.. sigh... i got sore throat, i maybe coming into a flu, and i have to pack my bag for tommorow cause im leaving for JAPAN!!!! Wooohoooo!!! aigh.. shouldnt shout so much o.e throat paining... x-x . Packing my stuff toys and my clothes was still abit of a problem for me =P . But i manage to fit everything into place. After packing i took my medicine, then went striaght to bed.

It again the day to go to the airport. We took our bags went down, checked out, then headed off to the airport. At the airport, we checked in our bags as usuall and then went to the lounge to wait for our flight. At the lounge, i was reading my manga books while my brother took a riceball, 2 sandwhiches, coke, a diet coke for my dad, and some other snacks. I ate one of his sanwhiches cause he didnt want it =P .The riceball he ate only a quater of it cause it didnt take nice because he said got wasabi in there. I ate abit, it doesnt tatste that nice either.

It was time to go off to the plane. My mom and bro went out 1st while i waited for my dad to take his things, then we both went together. The plane that i flew this time was better than all the others. The seats are comfortable, got alot of space and got buttons for you to choose like bed, relax, or sit upright. On the plane i watched house bunny and alvin and the chipmunks. House bunny dan funny. p.s this is to Nicole. I gotta find this FREAKING bird!!! xDD . Ate the same thing like the 1st trip which is japanese food.

Then went to sleep, dam long lah the flight. 11 hours something... need to kill time. xDD After reaching japan, we took a taxi to Shibuya where our hotel was located. I was night time when we came. From what my brother reasearced, he said that we could see Mt.Fuji from our hotel.My dad was looking foward to it xD .

We made ourslef comfortable in the hotel room, then went down to have dinner. My dad and I shared sukiyaki while my mom ate salmon and my bro had a combo meal xD . When we were done eating, we went up to the room, washed ourselfs up and off to bed.

The next morning, my dad was so eager to look at Mt.Fuji, but my sadly it was covered with clouds, so we couldnt see it. We went downstairs and had breakfast. my dad had arranged for us to go for a tour. X-X so early in the morning.... But it was worth it =3

We went to soooooo many places, and the tour guide was a comical person 8D weee~~ The place that i enjoyed the most is, going to the buddhist temple and the eiffel tower in Japan.. yes there is a eiffel tower in Japan it's also taller that the one in France xD .

I liked going to the buddhist cause well... me and my bro was scouting for food xDD.... but im the one who was paying for it =____=;;; dang brother.. dont want to spend his money.. >.>;; . Moving on, my brother and I ate octopus balls x3 we were scouting for that when we got there. To tell you the truth, when you eat the 1st stick, it's nice; but if you eat the 2nd one you feel jilat already.

Then we bought corn and my parents bought hot dogs for us x33 . -twitch- dang brother... dont want to share the food with me.. and im the one paying -twitch- -twitch- .. Then we went to the eiffel tower in Japan. The height is very easy to remember xDD it's 333meters xDD . The eiffel tower one is..... i dont know xDD;;; .

After all the tours, we ate at a japanese shop. But they only servered tempura there xD;; i got no apetite to eat that time. I dont know why.. So my dad and I shared food. After eating, we went back to the hotel and i was anxious cause my brithday was 4 more hours to go xDD , but i went to sleep anyway xD.

The next morning (8th of January) my bro, me and my dad woke up dammmm early, like 6am cause today ( my brithday) were going on a tour to Mt. Fuji . When coming down to eat breakfast. My brother spotted Mt. Fuji...

Brother: o.O ehhh~!! Mt. Fuji~!!!
Dad: HUH O.O WHERE?!?!? WHERE??!?! -looks left and right-
Brother: THERE~!!
Me: Huh~~ =~= <-- very sleepy at the moment -rubs eyes-
Dad: Oh Yeah~!! 8DD - looks at it-
Dad: Mei~! See lar, you very lucky oh~ Mt.Fuji greet you on your birthday. The past few days cannot see also one =3
Me: ah ohkay~~ -yawning- >w<
>.>;; , there is a total of 10 stages of mount fuji =3 .

We needed to take a bullet train that time. So the tour guide gave us out tickets and we waited for the train.My dad and bro nearly went on the wrong train but luckily i stopped them because they were taking pictures xDD .

Dad, and bro: -taking pictures of the bullet train behind them-
Me: o.O
-horn sounds-
Dad and bro: -quickly hurries ALMOST goes into the train-
Me: DAD~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dad: o.O
Dad and bro: o__O -stops- - slowly backs away from the train-
Dad and bro: -walks to me-
Dad: Thanks mei , after we both go on the train, dunno what happen to us edi xD'' ahaha~ahaha
Me: xDD
Bro: -nods-

Then the train came, then we went on and sit there, it's a smooth ride DDX i thought it was going to be like those kind of rollercoster rides ;-; -pokes fingers together- .... oh well.. after getting of the train, we went to alot of places, and i played with snow for the 1st time =3 . We also took alot of pictures xDD which will be framed and to be hanged up in my house xDD.

We also took a cable car up to a tower to see Mt.Fuji from a far. I also took some good shots of it xD. Oh yeah something weir happened also xD.

-going up the cable car-
-reaching the platform-
Me and everyone there: -talking-
Cablecar: -banged the platform-
Everyone: o.O
Couple's boyfriend: That wasnt in the script ... was it? xD
Me and him: xDD

Then we got off. That place is where i played with snow. Me and my bro keep throwing snowballs at each other . I always kena X-X ... and it was cold outside DDX . Must put on gloves to play with snowball.

After playing, and the couple was done taking photo's =3 , we all went down the cable car, and we ate a homestyle japanese food =3 . The food was very nice x3 . After eating i spotted a stuffed toy, it was a sea lion =3 . My dad bought one for me and my bro. We both LOVE stuffed toys xDD . My brothers one is unique, his one can make those squeaking sound xDD .

Lucky i didnt get the one got squeaking sound after ah, i tell you...

-going to sleep-
Me: - hugging pillow and blanket- x33 - going to sleep-
Me: -sleeping-
Me: -rolls to the other side-
Soft toy ( squeaking one) : SQUEAK~!!!!
Me: -wakes up- O__O huh hah what??!?! =___= ;;;

Yeah... i'll be like that ....

Moving on, after we bought the stuff toy, we headed off to a cruise at a small lake. In the ferry they were telling stories about a mystical dragon in the lake. It was intersting hearing the story. Then we got off and headed to the 2nd stage of Mt.Fuji . It was dam cold up there x-X ... we bought some suvernior and headed back.

From there, we took a train back. But the couple who had joined us had taken a diffrent route cause they wanted to shop somemore. After getting back to the hotel, i was so tired x-X but my dad asked me and my bro to take a shower then we go down to the restaurant to celebrate my bday.

After getting ready and everything, we went down and we ate dinner. Me and my bro had a 9 course meal, but it's french sized meal xD . I tell you ah the 1st course that came right, you need a magnifying glass to see the meal. The meal was tasty, but i didnt get one of the course of the meal. They will give you a small glass of lime juice.

DAAAAAAAMMMM SOUR!!!! According to my bro ( the food critic) he says it's used to neutralize your taste buds, so you can get better taste for the next meal.. Well i dont know, but i aint drinking that thing >.>;;

After dinner, my mom bought me a birthday gift, It was.... a purse xD . Nicole, i know your gonna say something xDD . Thanks mom =3 . After everything, we went up to our room. Me and my bro watched some tv and then changed our clothes. Then we started packing... -sigh- going back home already T~T .....

All of our packing is done, then we both went to bed. The next morning we woke up, had breakfast and went downstairs for the driver ( limo dude) ( we have lots of bags xD) to come..... After 1 HOUR of waiting, he finnally came. We almost missed our flight D: .

We went to the lounge to have someting to eat. My brother took so many things~!!! Like riceballs, crackers, sandwhich, seaweed, coca-cola, sprite... i took his coca-cola xD . I didnt pay attention to eating anyting cause i was too busy reading my manga books x3 . My dad had coffee, crackers and diet coke... My mom, water and sandwhich xD simple food.

After that, we took our things and left for the plane...going back home. T~T im going to miss japan~!!. Nothing much to say about what we did in the aeroplane. I just eat ramen, udon, and other things while watching some movies... the same movies.. over and over again X-X . I slept in the plane too XD terlalu bored already. Before i knew it, we touched down at KLIA already... haih... But it was a fun trip =3 i really liked it . Thats about it.

Oh yeah.. when i went back to school, my hair was long. So i tied it up and everyone was like o.o..... TAKE A PICTURE MAN~!!! IT WILL LAST LONGER DD< , and nicole and dionne =3 we like;
Me: yup..., xDD

Okay i have nothing else to say.

~ The End~

Monday, February 2, 2009

I saw a dream of you dancing on the floating darkness of the moon's stage
You do not have to bear the deep, deep wounds in your heart
Nobody is going to blame you, it is alright to be who you are

Listen well, tiptoed, to the loving, fleeting melody of the bolero
Soar! to find a place where your sadness will be healed

Inside a dark room, a window of sentiments is overflowing
Build on your dreams
Under the moonlight, you frantically engrave the rhythm you desire
so build on your dreams
The reason you are the way you are is because you flap your wings
You search for answers that nobody else knows

Listen well, tiptoed, to the loving, fleeting melody of the bolero
Soar! to find a place where your sadness will be healed

Let you dance away
Don't you know
I'll stand by your side~
Fly away, Fly away, Fly away, Fly to the top
Fly forever
Yeah, yeah, yeah~

I will continue shining on you,
Watching over attentively,
For your admired future.
Wherever you go,
I continue to hope,
I will protect you

Listen well, to the radiating, lonely, passionately sparkling bolero
You are definitely not alone
As long as you are alive, fly!
This is the place where you belong

Sunday, February 1, 2009

School starts again X-X

It's that time again, where school start tomorrow, and our homework is not done... because we terlalu malas xD

I cant believe holiday is over -sigh- ... I cant even finish my homework cause teacher gave me homework that i dont even understand how to do X__X darn... my math's is very weak now... but luckily i dont have maths 2morrow =3 i can take my time understanding it xD

My pizza is already cold o.O ( pizza is my brain food ) aigh... have to go to sleep.. wake up ... do stuff.. then go to school.. same old routine.

Maybe i'll go to 7-11 tomorrow... hmmm....

Then got exam coming up OMG lah... X-X were in a war here~!!! DD<

That's about it what im going to say....

oh yeah... i collected ang pau's when i went to penang...

~End of Report~