Saturday, June 20, 2009


-ahem- >_>;; <- stole brother's glasses xDD

Friday, June 19, 2009

Quiz 8D

1.what is your middle name? I dont have one 8D

2. what size is your bed? Queen >DD

3. what are you listening to right now? Gekidou by UVERworld :D

4. what are the last 2 digits of your phone number? 65

5. what was the last thing you ate? A vegetable type pastry =D

6. Last person you hugged? NICOLE XDDD

7. how is the weather right now? Cold? It's Night time ._.

8. who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My Dad xP

9. the first thing you notice about the SAME sex? THEIR ALL GIRLS~!!! DDD:

10. do u have a GF/BF: Currently Single 8D

11. do you want children? ._. ... I dunno 8D

12. do you drink? No =-=

13. ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night? whut? o.o

14. hair style/hair colour? Short & Black xD sometimes you can find some red hair 8D

15. eye color? uhh.. Black? ._.

16. five of your best friends? Nicole, Ormiela, Jolynn, Charlene, Min Xian 8D

17.single or taken? Single~ =3

18. in love with somebody? Nope =D

19. ever cried for no reason? Yup xD;;

20. last movie you watched? The Lost World: Jurassic Park <- bro was watching it.. i just sat on the sofa ._.

21. how many mirrors are in your room? None :D

23. have you ever decapitated a barbie doll? Just thinking of it gives me nightmares.

24. do you enjoy the sensational taste of starbucks? Yes~ Drinking ice-blended chocolate is nice :33

25. does the word "horcrux" mean anything to you? Makes me think of the word ''Whore Cruise'' o_o

26. do you know any people of the gay preference? I guess..

27. do you think Jesus is great? He isnt great.. HE'S AWSOME~!! 8DDD

28. is cheese like the best food ever, or what? FORGET ABOUT CHEESE~!! THINK OF THE CHOCOLATES~!! =DDD

29. what books are you reading? Gentleman's Alliance Cross =33

30. piercings? None~

31. Top 5 favorite movies?

MALL COP!!! Totaleh pwns everything else on my list xD
Blades of Gloreh~!!
Coach Carter
Drilbit Taylor

32. favorite college football team? Uhhhhhhh......

33. what were you doing before filling this out? Drawing 8D

35. dogs or cats? Both~ =P

36. favorite flower? ..The rose? o.O

37. have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to? Yup~

38. have you ever/do you love someone? YES~ DD:

39. who would you like to see right now? it's 2:21 am.. ._.

41. have you ever fired a gun? BB Gun? 8D

42. do you like to travel by plane? YES~... FREE FOOD MAN~! 8DD
43. right or left-handed? Right.

44. if you could be with someone right now who would it be? Yet again its.. 2:22am ._.

45. how many pillows do you sleep with? 2 or 4 xDD

46. are you missing someone? Yes DDDX

48. do you still watch cartoons on saturday morning? I sleep on saturday morning xDD

49. are you hiding something from someone? Nope 8D

50. do you play an instrument? Guitar 8D

51. Last Car Ride: last tuesday to school xD

52. Last Good Cry: That would be... last year~

53. Last kiss: I still got my 1st kiss with me xD

54. Last Library Book checked out: Gee.. that would be when i was..umm.. 5 years old.. true story ._.

55. Last Movie Seen in Theatres: Night at The Museum 2 8DD

56. Last Book Read: Gentleman's Alliance Cross, book 9?

57. Last Movie Rented: pbftt.. the last movie rented is when i was 3-4 years old.. i watched Sesame Street xD

58. Last Cuss Word Uttered: Shit xDDDD

59. Last Beverage Drank: Iced water :D

60. Last Food Consumed: A vegetable liked pastry =3

61. Last Text Received's Contents: Nat! Nat!! Nat!!! ._. i have no idea who smsed me..

62. Last Phone Call: My Mom xD

63. Last TV Show Watched: Whose Line Is It Anyways 8D

64. Last Time Showered: 7pm

65. Last Cigarette: don't smoke.

66. Last Alcoholic Drink: Anglia 8DD

67. Last Shoes Worn: Skewl shoes~ xD

68. Last CDs Played: I listen to my songs in my psp ._.

69. Last Item Bought: Candy xDDD

70. Last Download: Fergie - Big girls dont cry <- was going to put into my psp xD

71. Last Annoyance: Having a cold =-=

72. Last Disappointment: NO MONEY NO BOAT~!!! DDDDDDD:

73. Last Soda Drank: Coke =P

74. Last Thing Written: The Sky Is The Limit :3

75. Last Phrase Spoken: ''Kay'' XDD

76. Last Sleep: last night

77. Last IM: what?? ._.

78. Last funny Encounter: dunno =D

79. Last Ice Cream Eaten: Last Tuesday xD

80. Last Time Amused: Watching Whose Line Is It Anyways XDDDD

81. Last Time Wanting To Die: Dont know..

82. Last Time In Love: Last Year~

83. Last Time Hugged: LAST TUESDAY DDDDDX

84. Last Time Scolded: can't remember..

85. Last Shirt Worn: My ''BAXX'' T-shirt 8DDD

86. Hoodies or Jackets: Hoodies >DDDD

87. Beanies or Hats: Both 8D

88. Shorts or Skirts: Shorts =P

89. Shoes or Flip-Flops: Both..again xD

90. Basketball or Football: Basketball~!! >D

91. Nerd or Geek: neither .-.

92. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings: HAIRY POTTEH~!!! >DDD

93. MySpace or Xanga: MySapce =D

94. Hands or Feet: Both D:

95. Hugs or kisses: uhhh......... both? o-O

96. College or University: Aren't they the same thing? o-o

97. Dogs or Cats: BOTH~!!! DDDX

98. Mice or Rats: Mice?? o.o

99. Pizza or Ice Cream: I cant CHOOSE DDDDDDX WHY DO YOU TORCHER ME?!?!?!

100. Pepsi or Coke: Coke 8DD

Im going to tagged people for fun >DD

3.Jo ee
4.Anyone who want's to do this 8DDD

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The boring life of Me and My cousin 8D

WARNING!! This video may cause some dizzy-ness and light headed-ness . I am not responsible for anyone who has symptoms before and after watching this video 8D . This video is not recommendable for Anti-Shufflers xDDD;; ... Have fun 8D

NOTE: I only made this video because...well.. I got bored xD

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009