Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Today was the most funnest day of my life. Here's how it goes. Today, Me , Chee (chesse, hamster) , Vinod (cinod, my pet uncle) and Aaron (my new pet bother, kor kor and friend) went to sunway together =3 . This is the first time me and Aaron met face to face. Well anyway let's get back to the story . We reached at sunway at about 1pm, we went to have a drink and chit-chat at starbucks.

Aaron paid my drink for my X3 ... he's so kind. While we we're drinking our ice-blended, chee did not like his drink, because it consists of ice-blended chocolate, chocolate chips and i think banana, with whiped cream. So we decided to have a taste test...well we think it was ok XP. When chee, drank his drink he always made a sour face XD.

After a while chit-chatting, Chee and I decided to do something funny. Chee asked vinod for his drink and he gave him his drink. After that, Chee poured his drink into Vinod's drink XDD and i was the one recording it...vidoe's of it will come out later. Then we mixed it, then we made Vinod drink it, and he said it was tasty -pukes-

Aaron had finished drinking his drink and he too poured his drink with the whiped cream into Vinod's drink and then we stired it again and I took a video... actually i took a photo of if but it sucked so i just recorded it XD. After playing with the drinks, we took off and headed to the arcade to burn time, because we have to pick up the tickets for the movie at 4pm.

I started to play....what did i start to play o.o ... Well anyways i'll just told you what i played throught the time. I played Dance Dance Revoloution, House of the Dead 4, the dancing thing that you do with hand movements and Datona or Gatona... i forgot how to spell it DX

Chee, Aaron and Vinod played Time Crisis 2 and 3...i think, and other stuff. I always beat Vinod in the Datona or Gatona...hehehhe >D .... It was kinda akward but when i played the racing game called Battle Gear 2 (racing game in sunway), I beat the boys (Chee, Vinod, Aaron) like 10 times O.o;;; ..... and it was my 1st time playing. I have Good luck i guess XD . Sorry Aaron if i offended you DX .

When i was going to change my money for tokens, i met my cousin and their friends. They wanted to meet Chee for some reason, so I introduced him to them =3 . While i was playing the hand movement thing. Then suddenly one of my cousins jumped in and stated to play and i helped her by moving her arms correctly X3 .

I remember when i was playing the dance dance revolution game, I challenged Vinod, and eventually I WON!!!! Yay!!! And then Chee always like to kacau when i was playing and i accidentally stepped on his foot >.>;;; then Aaron came and challenged me =3 it was fun seeing him trying to dance. It was cute and funny X3

After playing for like 1 hour non-stop we went out and walked pass by the cd shops, and Chee and Aaron was looking at the cd' i just walked to anime tech and see if they got anything nice there, then they all followed me..but sadly nothing nice was there in the shop -sigh...- .

So we went to eat KFC!!!! instead of pizza hut. =P I ate a snack plate , Vinod ate something that i forgot and Chee ate burger and Aaron ate chessy wedges, and Chee and Aaron shared the chiken, and I gave them my mash potato's and coselaw because i didnt want it. When i was done eating, my cup that was filled with coke was still full, so i left it there and went to wash my hands.

When i was walking half-way back i could see Chee pouring my coke into his cup =_____=;;; stupid boy!!! I went to the table and whacked Chee at his back hardly, and slapped Vinod's and Aaron's back head because they didnt stopped Chee >.>;;; sigh.... We were bored so we went back to the arcade again!!! But on the way to the arcade, i bought a necklace. =3 It was 4pm already so we went and took out tickets. But before we took the tickets, I went hunting for a elephant stuff toy that my friend wanted, so i went hunting for it , and sadly i could not find it.

After collecting out tickets, we bought POPCORN and COKE!!!! But i dont know why we were buying it at 4pm when the movie only starts at 4.45pm? Oh well.... so we just sat there at the counter .... We were the only one there at the counter.. WE CALL DIBS!!!!! So we got in 1st because we were the earliest one there XDD .

While going into the theater got one secutiry camera there and i said ''Smile at the camera!!!'' and Aaron said '' F*** you'' to the camera XDD . Lolz. We ttok our seats and stated to eat the popcorn... actually we stared to eat it after we bought it >.>;;

When it was like only 20 minutes of the movie, I already ate half of the popcorn...So i gave it to vinod to eat. While i was watching the movie, I saw that there was nobody seating at the middle seat of our row in the theater... so i went there and sit down X3 hehehe.... The movie (Max Payne) was thrilling and action-packed. We all liked it = ) .

It was already 6pm, we got bored we went to the arcade..... AGAIN!!!!!! We played for another 1 hour, then i forgot that i swicted off my handphone, so i switched it on and i called my ahem driver to ask him where is he because my mom wanted to buy something for her. I treid calling him but no answer, then i called my mom and she was grumbling and stuff and i didnt really pay attention. So i wen to the sunway entrace, got the money from my driver, and bought my mom's stuff.

It was already 7.30pm so we decided to play in the arcade for another half an hour, and I still beat them in the racing game X3 HAHAHHAHA...*ahem* then before we went home we took pictures of all of us uing my mom's camera. It was a fun day indeed -flashing back- -wakes up- Oh sorry.. Then everyone went home, and i was hungry =.=;;;. Then i ate dinner, chat with people and helped Aaron to do the anti-virus thing and so on.

Well I hope you like the story

~The End~

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